Social Creativity

Social Creativity

Our Yellow paper on Social Creativity explains how we have recently evolved our long held belief that ‘Creativity is the most powerful force in business’It focuses specifically on the type of creativity that we practice – social creativity. A type of creativity that generates what we call Share Value.

Creativity is the most powerful force in business.

It is our response to the changing cultural context in Korea, where people are the most influential medium – via word of mouth and word of mouse – and where the economy has become a ‘recommendation economy’. We know that in this environment, brand building success is accelerated when people act as willing advocates and influence others to buy or experience the brand.

To get people to willingly embrace and spread the message about our Client brands requires that we do something creatively that has inherent Share Value.

This means developing Creative ideas that people want to share with friends, colleagues and family. Creative ideas that inspire dialogue and encourage collaboration with the brand. Creative ideas that encourage participation, that beg to be played with and are willingly and excitedly passed around.

To do this effectively, the idea needs to be useful and/or entertaining and/or innovative and usually inspires an emotional response.
Our work for McDonald’s Korea featuring The Big Mac, and Levis Korea featuring the Korean National Ballet, exemplify our belief in the power of Social Creativity. In fact we are proud to proclaim that ‘Social Creativity boosts Share Value and is the most powerful force in business’.

Please read the following Yellow paper and if you like it don’t be shy about passing it around.